Annisa : Sakila, did you get covid-19 vaccines at school

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zhilanmawaddah194 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Annisa : Sakila, did you get covid-19 vaccines at school yesterday ?Sakila : No, I didn’t. My mom doesn’t excuse me to get it.
Annisa : Why? According to me, if all students are vaccinated, their immunity will be improved.
Sakila : You know, after getting an accident last year, I often get sick.
Annisa : So, what do you think about the issue that the unvaccinated students can’t attend offline school
Sakila : In my opinion, the students would be twice-distressed as they will not be able to attend school
or get vaccinated.

1.You know, after getting an accident last year, I often get sick. “
The underlined word has the similar meaning with ….

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i'm sorry but, where's the underlined word?

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Last Update: Tue, 27 Dec 22