I had a really good saturday afternoon.my elder sister and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rahmatirindhi85 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

I had a really good saturday afternoon.my elder sister and I _____ [ 1.go ] shopping. we _____ [ 2 .ride ] a motorcycle to the mall.when we ______ [ 3.arrive ] at the mall,the security ________ [ 4.ask ] us to show the vaccine certificates and ______ [ 5.check ] our body temperature.My sister ________ [ 6.buy ] a dress as a birthday prensent for her friend.she also bought a beautiful purse for herself.after that,we _______ [ 7. Move ] to a music store.I bought an accoustic guitar using my pocket money. I had bad been saving money for ten months. I was so Happy that finally I counld buy it.after we bought few things,we went to a food court for lunch.we _________ [ 8.enjoy ] our food and drink according to health protocols.

On sunday morning. I ___________ [ 9.search ] for a guitar cord in the internet, and I ___________ [ 10. Play ] the guitar in my room. It was fun.

bantu no 1 - 10
no ngasal
ini bhs inggris kelas Vlll
jawab yg bener
yg jawab dengan bener aku jdi jawaban yg tercedas/terbaik :)
plis secepatnya ya temen temen ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


I had a really good saturday afternoon.my elder sister and I __went___ [ 1.go ] shopping. we __rode_ [ 2 .ride ] a motorcycle to the mall.when we __arrived__ [ 3.arrive ] at the mall,the security __asked___ [ 4.ask ] us to show the vaccine certificates and _checked_ [ 5.check ] our body temperature.

My sister __bought__ [ 6.buy ] a dress as a birthday prensent for her friend.she also bought a beautiful purse for herself.after that,we __moved_ [ 7. Move ] to a music store.I bought an accoustic guitar using my pocket money. I had bad been saving money for ten months. I was so Happy that finally I counld buy it.after we bought few things,we went to a food court for lunch.we ___enjoyed__ [ 8.enjoy ] our food and drink according to health protocols.

On sunday morning. I __searched__ [ 9.search ] for a guitar cord in the internet, and I ____played_____ [ 10. Play ] the guitar in my room. It was fun.


karna di ubah menjadi past tense

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Last Update: Mon, 05 Jun 23