The text is for question number 27 - 30 Handphone

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari leonypanjaitan07 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

The text is for question number 27 - 30 Handphone Handphone is one of the many technologies in this globalization era. Handphone has function to communicate someone far away without face to face. Now, handphone can be owned by everyone. Because everyone can buy it and use it. Handphone handled by children until adult in this modern life. Not only to communication, handphone or smartphone has other function. The other function of handphone is to entertainment such as play games, play music and capturing. Handphone gives some information in the website. The negative impact from handphone that is addiction. For the example is addicted to play games and watch video until forgetting time. Then, as the handphone user should be able to use them wisely. “Because everyone can buy it and use it.” The word “ it “ refers to . . . *A. communication
B. globalization era
C. nformation

The text is for question number 27 - 30 Handphone Handphone is one of the many technologies in this globalization era. Handphone has function to communicate someone far away without face to face. Now, handphone can be owned by everyone. Because everyone can buy it and use it. Handphone handled by children until adult in this modern life. Not only to communication, handphone or smartphone has other function. The other function of handphone is to entertainment such as play games, play music and capturing. Handphone gives some information in the website. The negative impact from handphone that is addiction. For the example is addicted to play games and watch video until forgetting time. Then, as the handphone user should be able to use them wisely. What is the negative impact from handphone? *
A. play games and watch video until forgetting time
B. entertainment such as play games, play music and capturing
C. gives some information in the website
D. communicate someone far away without face to face

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. D. handphone

2. A. play games and watch video until forgetting time

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Last Update: Wed, 18 May 22