What's the main Idea of the second paragraph ? What

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What's the main Idea of the second paragraph ?What do dolphin use along tail and fin on top of their backs ?
What's the intention of the text above ?​
What's the main Idea of the second paragraph ? What do dolphin use along tail and fin on top of their backs ? What's the intention of the text above ?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.What's the main Idea of the second paragraph?

=The main Idea of the second paragraph is dolphins hunt together in a group, and they invent their owntricks and stunts.

2.What do dolphin use along tail and fin on top of their backs?

=Dolphins use long tail and the fin on the top of their backs keep the layer of fat under their skin to keep the warm when they dive deep.

3.What's the intention of the text above?

=The intention of the text above is to save the endangered species "Dolphins". It's because they gave some interesting informations about it.

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Last Update: Sat, 29 Jul 23