What do you say if you meet your old friend

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What do you say if you meet your old friend after a long time? What do you say if you get a new schoolbag from your father? What do you say when your friend asks about your condition? What will you say when you want to leave the conversation? 4. 5. You've broken the bowl of your mother. What do you say to her to apologize? 1. 2.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


What do you say if you meet your old friend after a long time?

- Hey, long time no see! Glad to meet you again.

What do you say if you get a new schoolbag from your father?

- Thank you dad, i'm so happy.

What do you say when your friend asks about your condition?

- I'm fine, thanks for your care.

What will you say when you want to leave the conversation?

- I have to go now, let's talk again later.

You've broken the bowl of your mother. What do you say to her to apologize?

- I'm so sorry for breaking the bowl mom, i swear i won't do it again.

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Last Update: Sun, 12 Mar 23