A. Fill in the blanks with “has” or “have”!1. I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mzybarani pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

A. Fill in the blanks with “has” or “have”!1. I

a nice bedroom.

2. Rani

two dictionaries.

3. Dodi

a black pen in his bag.

4. Dea and Rizki

a bicycle.

5. The cat

soft fur.

B. Fill in the blanks with article: a, an or the!

1. That is


2. I have a cat.

cat has a cute face.

3. Father has


4. This is

beautiful umbrella.

5. There is an owl in the cage.

owl belongs to my father.

C. Fill in the blanks with “there is” or “there are”!


a monkey on the tree.


some mice on the roof.


thirty tables in the classroom.


only an egg in the refrigerator.


few students in the school yard.

D. Fill in the blanks with singular or plural nouns!

1. There are many

(student) in the school mosque.

2. My uncle a great

(rooster) in his cage.

3. I see two

(mouse) in the kitchen.

4. There is an

(orange) in the garden.

5. Those are some

(fish) we will cook tonight

E. Guess what building or place is it!

1. The building is used for student to study.


You can go to this place if you you want to mail your letter.

3. This site is used for Muslims to pray.

4. You can come and watch popular movies here.

5. We can save our money here.

E. Guess what building or place is it!

1. The building is used for student to study.


You can go to this place if you you want to mail your letter.

3. This site is used for Muslims to pray.

4. You can come and watch popular movies here.

5. We can save our money here.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. I have a nice bedroom.

2. Rani have two dictionaries.

3. Dodi have a black pen in his bag.

4. Dea and Rizki has a bicycle.

5. The cat have soft fur.

B. Fill in the blanks with article: a, an or the!

1. That is an apple

2. I have a cat. the cat has a cute face.

3. Father has a car.

4. This is a beautiful umbrella.

5. There is an owl in the cage. the owl belongs to my father.

C. Fill in the blanks with “there is” or “there are”!

1. there is a monkey on the tree.

2. there are some mice on the roof.

3. there are thirty tables in the classroom.

4. there is only an egg in the refrigerator.

5. there are few students in the school yard.

D. Fill in the blanks with singular or plural nouns!

1. There are many students in the school mosque.

2. My uncle a great rooster in his cage.

3. I see two mouses in the kitchen.

4. There is an  orange in the garden.

5. Those are some fishs we will cook tonight

E. Guess what building or place is it!

1. The building is used for student to study.


2  You can go to this place if you you want to mail your letter.

post office

3. This site is used for Muslims to pray.


4. You can come and watch popular movies here.


5. We can save our money here.


Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh pelajartukangngopi dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Sun, 06 Aug 23