Nowadays cooking is no longer a complicated things. Especially when

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Nowadays cooking is no longer a complicated things. Especially when it comes to cooking rice, there is an electronic device designed specially for this. We know this device as Rice Cooker, Magic Jar or Magic Com. The following steps will show you how to operate a Rice Cooker properly.1. Wash the cooking pot and make sure the inner side is clean.
2. Measure the rice by using the measurement cup and put the rice into the cooking pot. Make sure to give space for the rice, water and the expansion.
3. Rinse the rice so that we can remove the pesticides that may be present.
4. Add some water into the cooking pot, usually we need to see the water is 1cm above the rice surface.
5. Soak the rice for about 30 minnutes in order to make the cooked rice stickier.
6. Put the cooking pot along with the rice and water into the Rice Cooker.
7. Close the Rice Cooker lid and then plug the cable into the electricity socket.
8. Start the Rice Cooker by pressing the Cooking/Timer Button.
9. Wait until the cooking process is over.
10. Open the lid and the rice is ready to be served.

answer these questions based on the text!
1. what do you have to do first when you want to use A rice cooker?
2. how do you recognize the rice well don?
3. what do you do after measure the rice?
4. how do we know that the measurement of water is properly?
5. what do we do at the in operating rice cooker?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Nowadays cooking is no longer a complicated thing. Especially when it comes to cooking rice, there is an electronic device designed especially for this.

2. We know this device as Rice Cooker, Magic Jar, or Magic Com.

3. Rinse the rice so that we can remove the pesticides that may be present

4. we need to see if the water is 1cm above the rice surface

5. 1. Wash the cooking pot and make sure the inner side is clean.

2. Measure the rice by using the measuring cup and put the rice into the cooking pot. Make sure to give space for the rice, water, and expansion.

3. Rinse the rice so that we can remove the pesticides that may be present.

4. Add some water into the cooking pot, usually, we need to see the water is 1cm above the rice surface.

5. Soak the rice for about 30 minutes in order to make the cooked rice stickier.

6. Put the cooking pot along with the rice and water into the Rice Cooker.

7. Close the Rice Cooker lid and then plug the cable into the electricity socket.

8. Start the Rice Cooker by pressing the Cooking/Timer Button.

9. Wait until the cooking process is over.

10. Open the lid and the rice is ready to be served.


Nowadays cooking is no longer a complicated thing. Especially when it comes to cooking rice, there is an electronic device designed especially for this. We know this device as Rice Cooker, Magic Jar, or Magic Com. The following steps will show you how to operate a Rice Cooker properly.

1. Wash the cooking pot and make sure the inner side is clean.

2. Measure the rice by using the measuring cup and put the rice into the cooking pot. Make sure to give space for the rice, water, and expansion.

3. Rinse the rice so that we can remove the pesticides that may be present.

4. Add some water into the cooking pot, usually, we need to see the water is 1cm above the rice surface.

5. Soak the rice for about 30 minutes in order to make the cooked rice stickier.

6. Put the cooking pot along with the rice and water into the Rice Cooker.

7. Close the Rice Cooker lid and then plug the cable into the electricity socket.

8. Start the Rice Cooker by pressing the Cooking/Timer Button.

9. Wait until the cooking process is over.

10. Open the lid and the rice is ready to be served.

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Last Update: Mon, 26 Dec 22