11.why was Jack's mother angrya.jack echanged the cow for the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari danahcantiq643 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

11.why was Jack's mother angrya.jack echanged the cow for the Beans
b.jack sold the cow in the market
c.jack threw the Beans out of the window
d Jack stole a bag of gold
12"......the Giant started casing him'.
(paragraph 2)
the Italic word in the sentence refers to.......
a.the Giant
c the hen
d the man
13.the Giant crushed on the ground and died.(paragraph 3)
the synoym of the underlined word is
d fell
14 he was no more a poor boy,buy he never forgot his days of poverty and always helped the people in need
from the text we know that Jack was
11.why was Jack's mother angrya.jack echanged the cow for the Beansb.jack sold the cow in the marketc.jack threw the Beans out of the windowd Jack stole a bag of gold12

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


11. a. Jack exchanged the cow for the Beans.

12. c. the hen

13. a. destroyed

14. b. generous


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Last Update: Sat, 22 Apr 23