15. what is the theme of song above?

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari putrijuwita2302 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

15. what is the theme of song above?a. welcaming something new
b. bid a farewell
c. make a friend
d. the life of the adults

16.according to the song above, below is the thing that teachers don't teach at school....
a. math
b. history
c. handling a broken heart
d. geography

17.but we always find a way to meke itu out alive the underlined word above ahs the same meaning with....
a. go out
b. fail
c. angry at each other
d. don't do anything

18.do the singers think they can live fotever?
a. yes, they don't
b. yes, they doesn't
c. no, they do
d. yes, they do

19.what do the singers ask to his friend?
a. remembering things
b. don't go
c. don't forget to study history
d. don't be ini a group

20.according to the singers,what is life without his friend?
a. it's okay
b. it's happiness
c. it's exciting
d. it's just a life

mohon bantuannya ya ​
15. what is the theme of song above? a. welcaming something new b. bid a farewell c. make a friend d. the life of the adults16.according to the song above, below is the thing that teachers don't teach at school.... a. math b. history c. handling a broken heart d. geography17.but we always find a way to meke itu out alive the underlined word above ahs the same meaning with.... a. go out b. fail c. angry at each other d. don't do anything18.do the singers think they can live fotever? a. yes, they don't b. yes, they doesn't c. no, they do d. yes, they do19.what do the singers ask to his friend? a. remembering things b. don't go c. don't forget to study history d. don't be ini a group20.according to the singers,what is life without his friend? a. it's okayb. it's happinessc. it's excitingd. it's just a lifemohon bantuannya ya ​

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ya ndak tau kok tanya saya



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Last Update: Wed, 02 Aug 23