Associating Make five sentences using simple present tense positive, negative

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rizqisaseno pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Associating Make five sentences using simple present tense positive, negative and interrogative Write it on a piece of paper! Communicating Read the sentences you have made in Associating aspect in front of the class! Competence Test Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or dl Complete the following text for questions 1. a. stays number 1 to 51 staying,.. has C. had having, dy have do C. doing does Three times a week I (1) ... at school in the afternoon because I have football training (on Mondays and Thursdays) and on Fridays I have music club. I (2)... lunch at the school canteen and then I go to our library and (3). my homework. After my extracurricular activities, I (4)... home. It takes me about ten minutes to my home by bus. Before dinner I usually have a shower and (5)... my favourite TV series. I always have dinner with my family. Then, I play the game on the computer, listen to music or read some novels. I never go to bed late. 2. a. 3. a. bu 4. a. b 5. a. watches b. watching. 6. Children always a., are loving b. is loving done, gone go 10 stay stayed d. goes d. going C. watc d. wato their paren low C. d. lo​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Contoh kalimat simple present tense sangat umum kita jumpai di kehidupan sehari-hari maupun jenis teks.

Simple present mempunyai ciri menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama, dengan imbuhan +s/es ketika subjeknya orang kedua tunggal. Bisa juga kata kerjanya berupa to be jika tidak menunjukkan tindakan.

Bagaimana mengungkapkan kalimatnya dalam bahasa Inggris?

Berikut contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris simple present tense:

(+) My father is a teacher. / Ayahku adalah seorang guru.

(-) My father is not a teacher. / Ayahku bukan seorang guru.

(?) Is your father a teacher? / Apakah ayahmu seorang

(+) I live in Jakarta. / Aku tinggal di Jakarta.

(-) I don’t live in Jakarta. / Aku tidak tinggal di Jakarta.

(?) Do you live in Jakarta? / Apakah kamu tinggal

(+) The green house near the river is my house. / Rumah hijau dekat sungai itu adalah rumahku.

(-) The green house near the river is not my house. / Rumah hijau dekat sungai itu bukan rumahku.

(?) Is the green house near the river is your house? / Apakah rumah hijau dekat sungai itu rumahmu?

(+) My brother works in a bank near my school. / Kakakku bekerja di sebuah bank dekat sekolahku.

(-) My brother does not work in a bank near my school. / Kakakku tidak bekerja di sebuah bank dekat sekolahku.

(?) Does your brother work in a bank near your school? / Apakah kakakmu bekerja di sebuah bank dekat sekolahmu?



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Last Update: Tue, 02 May 23