student: good morning,sirteacher: good morningstudent: how are you today teacher:

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dirand917 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Student: good morning,sirteacher: good morning
student: how are you today
teacher: great l abaout you
student: l'm fine sir can l dis cuass
teacher: yes of corse
student: l what to ask your apolgy for lasing your English book
teacher: don't worry abaout it now could you lose my book?
student: l forgot tho bring the book home when l looked for itin the shelf this morning l could not pindit
teacher: well you can your ask frind maybe,you fried kaot the book for you
student: alright sir tuak you l Will retun it if l find the book
teacher: okay l "go to the teacher offier now bye
student: bye, sir thank you

1)the dialogue is abaout?
2)why did the student ask for apology?
3)did the teacher for give the student? what did thesay
4)what book was losk?
5)where did the student put the book?
6) what solution did the teacher have for the student?
7)when l looked for it in the shelf thi morning l of cloud not find it what does the under hinet world refer to ? (for number 8and 9 state tif the state ment is true and f it the 8 tatement is false)
8) the book was losk at home (T/F)
9)the teac her wasnot angriy at the student (T/F)
10) which Ward in the dialogue above has the same meaning as "save"

help me!!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. student losing teacher's english book

2. because student losing teacher's english book

3. yes. the teacher say don't worry about it.

4. english book the bookshelf

6. ask friend maybe them kept a book for me


8. T

9. T

10. kept

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Last Update: Thu, 08 Dec 22