Buatlah 5 kalimat should dan should not di tempat ibadah

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Buatlah 5 kalimat should dan should not di tempat ibadah

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. We should be respectful towards the sanctity of the place of worship and maintain a calm and quiet environment.
  2. We should dress appropriately clothing in the place of worship.
  3. We should be mindful of our actions and gestures, avoiding any behaviors that may be seen as disrespectful or offensive to others.
  4. We should observe proper hygiene, such as washing our hands and feet before entering the place of worship.
  5. We should be open-minded and tolerant towards people of different faiths and beliefs.

Should not:

  1. We should not use our phones the place of worship.
  2. We should not engage in any activities that may distract or disturb others who are praying.
  3. We should not bring any food or drinks inside the place of worship.
  4. We should not engage in any form of vandalism or damage to the property of the place of worship.
  5. We should not engage in any form of discrimination or hate speech towards individuals or groups of different religious or cultural backgrounds inside the place of worship.

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Last Update: Thu, 06 Jul 23