Write a simple description for this people, animals, or objects

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari cindy110721 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Write a simple description for this people, animals, or objects things 51. Claudia Emmanuela Santoso 56. paradise bird 52. Tasya Kamila 53. Rio Haryanto 54. giraffe 55. tiger 57. smart phone 56. gudeg 59. refrigerator 60. lecturer​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Claudia Emmanuela Santoso: Claudia Emmanuela Santoso is a talented individual. She is known for her remarkable singing abilities and has gained recognition as a singer. Claudia has a unique and captivating voice that captivates audiences. Her performances are filled with emotion and passion, making her a beloved artist.

Tasya Kamila: Tasya Kamila is a multi-talented individual. She is recognized for her achievements in various fields, including acting, singing, and hosting. Tasya is known for her versatility and has showcased her talents in different projects. Her charismatic personality and dedication to her craft have made her a popular figure in the entertainment industry.

Rio Haryanto: Rio Haryanto is a skilled racing driver. He has competed in various motorsport events, including Formula One. Rio's determination and passion for racing have led him to represent his country on an international stage. He is admired for his speed, precision, and ability to navigate challenging race tracks.

Giraffe: The giraffe is a remarkable animal known for its long neck and towering presence. It is the tallest land animal, with a distinctive spotted coat. Giraffes are herbivores and primarily feed on leaves from trees. They have adapted to their environment and can reach high branches with their long necks. Giraffes are known for their grace and elegance.

Tiger: The tiger is a majestic and powerful big cat. It is recognized for its striking orange fur with dark stripes. Tigers are skilled hunters and are known for their agility and strength. They are solitary animals and have a wide range of habitats, including forests and grasslands. Tigers are apex predators and play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems.

Smartphone: A smartphone is a handheld device that combines the functionality of a mobile phone with various features and capabilities. It allows users to make calls, send messages, access the internet, take photos, play games, and perform numerous other tasks. Smartphones typically have a touchscreen interface and offer a wide range of applications and functionalities.

Gudeg: Gudeg is a traditional Indonesian dish, particularly popular in Yogyakarta and Central Java. It is made from young jackfruit that is cooked in palm sugar and coconut milk. Gudeg has a sweet and savory taste, often accompanied by rice, chicken, egg, and various condiments. It is a delicious and unique culinary experience.

Refrigerator: A refrigerator, also known as a fridge, is a household appliance used for preserving and cooling food and beverages. It operates on the principle of refrigeration, which involves removing heat from the inside of the unit to lower the temperature. Refrigerators help keep food fresh and prevent spoilage by maintaining a cold environment.

Lecturer: A lecturer is an academic professional who teaches and imparts knowledge in a specific subject area at a higher education institution. They have expertise in their field and are responsible for delivering lectures, conducting discussions, and guiding students in their learning journey. Lecturers play a vital role in educating and shaping the minds of future generations.

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Last Update: Sat, 19 Aug 23