Activity 7 - Gap Filling Fill in the blanks with

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ngambekngambek87 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Activity 7 - Gap Filling Fill in the blanks with 'is', 'am', or 'are' correctly. 1. The room 2. The lovebirds 3. Putra has a pet. It 4. My parents 5. Sari 6. The tigers dark. I will switch on the lamp. in the cages. a hamster. It cute. farmers. They work in the rice field every day. a smart student. She always comes first in her class. in a large cage in the zoo. They comfortable and the food 7. This restaurant 8. My friends congratulate me on my birthday. I 9. I like buying fruit from Mrs. Ardi's fruit stall. The stall assistants friendly. 10. My school basketball team always wins matches. They proud of them. very happy. fierce. delicious. clean and the good players.​

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kamu nanyeakkk kamu bertanya kepada saya

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Last Update: Sun, 09 Apr 23