Hello, I am Tama, lama junior high school student. I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari bobabobafrench pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Hello, I am Tama, lama junior high school student. I have a pleasant daily activity and I always follow it. My day's activities usually begin in the early morning. I wake up at 05.00 a.m. In addition, I make a bed, brush my teeth, and wash my face. Then, I go to the yard with a broom in my hand, I sweep the yard at 05.15 am, before I fed my chicken. This morning is so beautiful and fresh, so I decided to go jogging for about 15 minutes.Source m

After that, I back home and take my breakfast, which my mother keeps ready for our family. When my breakfast is over, I go to the bathroom to take a bath I always prepare for my day's lessons at night before I sleep. After I get dressed, sometimes my father takes me to school by car or I go to school by bus with my friend. Between 07.00 a.m. to 01.30 p.m.. I always sit on the first bench and listen to what my teachers say.When school is over, I come back home straight. Then I take some refreshments and go to the field to play football with my friends Just before sunset, I come back home. Thereafter, I go to my reading room and study there until 10 pm. Before I go to sleep, I am not forgetting to prepare for the next day's lesson I generally take my pajamas. Then I go to bed. On Sunday. spend my time playing with my friends or going to different interesting places with my family. This is all about my daily activities

Bantu dong kakak kakak ​
Hello, I am Tama, lama junior high school student. I have a pleasant daily activity and I always follow it. My day's activities usually begin in the early morning. I wake up at 05.00 a.m. In addition, I make a bed, brush my teeth, and wash my face. Then, I go to the yard with a broom in my hand, I sweep the yard at 05.15 am, before I fed my chicken. This morning is so beautiful and fresh, so I decided to go jogging for about 15 minutes.Source mAfter that, I back home and take my breakfast, which my mother keeps ready for our family. When my breakfast is over, I go to the bathroom to take a bath I always prepare for my day's lessons at night before I sleep. After I get dressed, sometimes my father takes me to school by car or I go to school by bus with my friend. Between 07.00 a.m. to 01.30 p.m.. I always sit on the first bench and listen to what my teachers say.When school is over, I come back home straight. Then I take some refreshments and go to the field to play football with my friends Just before sunset, I come back home. Thereafter, I go to my reading room and study there until 10 pm. Before I go to sleep, I am not forgetting to prepare for the next day's lesson I generally take my pajamas. Then I go to bed. On Sunday. spend my time playing with my friends or going to different interesting places with my family. This is all about my daily activitiesBantu dong kakak kakak ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban: 6. My Daily Life
7. make a bed, brush my teeth, and wash my face. Then Tama go to the yard with a broom in his hand to swept the yard
8. sometimes his father takes him to school by car or go to school by bus with his friend
9. simple past tense
10. spend his time playing with his friends or going to different interesting places with his family


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Last Update: Mon, 05 Jun 23