What is the dialog obaut

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What is the dialog obaut

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A dialog is the interaction between a person and a computer. It helps a person who is using an interactive display terminal to exchange information with a computer. The user starts an interactive application through an interface that the system provides.


To understand the dialog interface, you must first understand what a dialog is. A dialog is the interaction between a person and a computer. It helps a person who is using an interactive display terminal to exchange information with a computer.

The user starts an interactive application through an interface that the system provides. The dialog with the user begins with the computer displaying a panel and asking for user interaction. It ends when the task for which the interactions were initiated is completed.

A dialog developer creates the parts of a dialog, called dialog elements. Each dialog application is made up of a command procedure or program, together with dialog elements that allow an orderly interaction between the computer and the application user.

The elements that make up a dialog application are:



-Command tables

-Panel definitions

-Message definitions

-File-tailoring skeletons


A dialog does not necessarily include all types of elements. For example, certain kinds of applications do not use tables and skeletons.

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Last Update: Tue, 21 Feb 23