Create dialogs to ask for and provide information about the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari iirna9715 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Create dialogs to ask for and provide information about the existence of people, animals, or items based the pictures, in pairs. Practice the dialogs and record your performance.​
Create dialogs to ask for and provide information about the existence of people, animals, or items based the pictures, in pairs. Practice the dialogs and record your performance.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


so in one place there are lots of cakes with various colors, the second photo shows a woman sitting in line, on a shoe bed there are so in one place there are lots of cakes with various colors, the second photo shows a woman sitting in line, on a shoe bed there are many types of shoes

with various colors, in the mud there are two hippos bathing together, at the bus terminal there are two buses left in the terminal waiting for passengers to board

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh samueldirga17 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Wed, 18 Jan 23