Old Lion King Once upon a time, live a

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Old Lion KingOnce upon a time, live a Lion which is so strong, wise, and has a good skill of hunting. As we know, Lion is the king of animal, but he is old enough now. He wants to give his legacy to one of his children. He has 3 sons.The first son, the eldest, has a strong body even though he is still a kid. He is already stronger than the lion of his age. He is predicted will be the strongest lion there. His body is so strong and hard as hard as a diamond. He has the body of his father.The second son has the wisdom from his father He is even wiser than his elder brother. He has the heart of his father. Then the third son, the youngest, is the most skillful at hunting He can finish hunt an animal in any minute. He has the claws of his father.The Old Lion becomes so confuse He tries to get the best legacy to succeed his throne. His sons are best on their own ability, but The Old Lion wants his successor has all of the ability of him. He wants to make him the best King, or at least like he was. With the wisdom of him, he asks his friend, Monkey to take his crown. The Old Lion asks him to mold it into three necklaces with three different pendants. The first is a necklace with a diamond pendant. The second one is necklace with heart-shaped pendant. The last is the necklace with claw-shaped pendant Finally, he gives it to all of his sons. The first one is the strangest given the necklace with diamond pendant. It means the one who has the strongest body, as strong as a diamond. The second one is the wisest given the necklace with heart-shaped pendant. It means the one who has heart and brain with wisdom beneath. The last is the best hunter given the necklace with claw-shaped pendant. It means the one who is the best in hunting and will use the claws wisely The all three sons become the legacy of The Old Lion's throne. They are all becoming kings of animal with their own ability
1. How many characters are in the story? Who are they? Answer:
2.What is this story about? Answer:
3. The word "eldest a superative. What is the root of "eldest? Answer:
4. What in the comparative form of "bear? Answer:
5. What is the meaning of the phrase "as hard as? Answer:


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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1. There are several characters in the story:

The Old Lion

The Old Lion's three sons (the first, second, and third son)

Monkey (the Old Lion's friend who helps him make the necklaces)

2. The story is about The Old Lion, who is trying to choose his successor among his three sons. Each son has a different ability (strongest body, wisdom, or hunting skill) and The Old Lion wants his successor to have all of these abilities. To help him choose, The Old Lion has three necklaces made with different pendants to represent each ability. In the end, all three sons become kings with their own unique strengths.

3. The root of "eldest" is "old." "Eldest" is a superlative form of "old," which means the oldest or most senior.

4. The comparative form of "bear" is "more bear" or "bigger bear."

5. The phrase "as hard as" means having the same level of hardness as something else. In the story, the first son's body is described as "hard as a diamond," which means it is very strong and sturdy.

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Last Update: Thu, 18 May 23