Activity 5. Answer the following questions based on the song

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari syifaanadhiira pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Activity 5. Answer the following questions based on the song (Bruno mars - count on me) ​
Activity 5. Answer the following questions based on the song (Bruno mars - count on me) ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The song Bruno Mars - 'Count on me' is about what a true friend should do to a friend.

2. The kind of relationship this song talks about is friendship.

3. This song transmit a positive energy.

4. The meaning of 'Count on me' is to depend on someone to do what you want or expect them to do for you.

5. 'I' will sail the world to find his friend.

6. - ( This question is based on your best friend | Pertanyaan ini tergantung dari sahabatmu )

7. The most important qualities in friendship are loyal friend, mutual respect, have empathy for others, and a good listener. ( Actually, this question is based on your opinion | Sebenarnya, pertanyaan ini tergantung dari pendapatmu )

8. - ( This question is based on your view of yourself | ( Actually, this question is based on your view of yourself | Pertanyaan ini tergantung dari pandanganmu terhadap dirimu sendiri )

9. Yes, i agree with this lyrics ( Actually, this question is based on your opinion | Sebenarnya, pertanyaan ini tergantung dari pendapatmu sendiri )

10. - ( This question is based on your view of yourself | ( Actually, this question is based on your opinion | Pertanyaan ini tergantung dari pendapatmu )

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Semoga dapat membantu

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Last Update: Wed, 14 Jun 23