1. The member Of the team...home very last nighta. GetB.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rizki03raihan pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. The member Of the team...home very last nighta. Get
B. Gets
C. Got
D. Gotten
2. she....the piano when she....a child
a. played, was
b. was, playing
c. played,was being
d. was playing, was being

3. she had a headache yesterday the negative form of the sentence is
A. She had not a headache yesterday
B. She did'nt had a headache yesterday
C. She did'nt have a headache yesterday
D. She Was not have a headache

The dialog is for questions 4 and 5
Retno : What did you do yesterday
Bonar : (4)____
Retno : did you see the dancers
Bonar : yes,(5) ____
4. The suitable utterance to complete the dialog is ....
a. we go to the parade
b. we are going to the parade
c. we went to the parade
d. we were going to go the parade

5. the suitable utterance to complete the dialog is....
a. the are many dancers
b. There are much dancers
c. the were many dancers
d. There were Much dancers

The Announcement if for questions 6
6th annual
and trade school fair
wednesday, feb 15 th
periods 2–5 (8 : 15–11 : 30 Am)
where are the jobs of the future ?
in the trades and technical fields !
Reps will be here form 20+ school/organizations
( parents you are welcome to attend as well ! )

6. The announcement is about

a. Technology and trade School Fair
B. The jobs of the future
c. a fair of 20+ school/organizations
D. School fair for parents

7. what does the notice tell us about
A. Student are not allowed to use celluler phones at school
B. there is no signal in the school building
C. only Teacher Car use cellular phones at school
D. There is An x–ray detector at the school gate as in the airport

8. The social Functions of the notice is ....
a. to give instruction to students to do what is written
b. to warn students to be careful or aware of cellular phones
c. to inform students that they are forbidden to do what is written
d. to tell students that using cellular phones at school can resylt in running over

9. The brown is ....the gray cat
a. more beautiful as
b. beautifuller than
c. as beautiful as
d. as beautiful than

Tolong Dijawab Yang benar Jangan ngasal ??

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. C. Got

2. A. played, was

3. C. She didn't have a headache yesterday

4. C. we went to the parade

5. D. There were many dancers

6. A. Technology and trade School Fair

7. B. there is no signal in the school building

8. C. to inform students that they are forbidden to do what is written

9. C. as beautiful as

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Last Update: Mon, 21 Aug 23