Reading Task 7 Read the following congratulation letter. After that,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari latumahinanoni pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Reading Task 7 Read the following congratulation letter. After that, find the expression of congratulation in the letter! Sahid Al Martono The Head of Salesman PT Cerah Bersinar JI. Madukara No. 54, Surakarta September 16, 2021 Dear Santi, Congratulations on reaching your sales performance goal! I know what was involved in getting it accomplished in record breaking time and in not only meeting your goal but surpassing it! I'm so proud of you for setting your sights high and making every effort to achieve that goal.You truly are leading by example to ensure your team's continuing reputation for excellence. You have worked hard and proved to yourself and everyone what you are capable of Best wishes for continued success. Sincerely. Sahid All Martono Task 8 Answer the questions below!1. What can we know about Santi's job from the text above? Answer:. ......
2. Why was Sahid so proud of Santi's achievement? Answer ......
3. What are Santi's characteristics based on the text above? Answer: ......
4. Where is the location of PT Cerah Bersinar? Answer.......
5. What is the synonym of the word "surpassing"? Answer......​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Santi's job from the text above is as a sales manager.

2. Sahid so proud of Santi's achievement because of setting her sights high and making every effort to achieve that goal.

3. Santi's characteristicsbased on the text above is alwayssetting a high goalandworking hard to achieve the goal.

4. The location of PT Cerah Bersinar is at JI. Madukara No. 54, Surakarta.

5. The synonym of the word "surpassing" is exceeding.


Soal di atas dijawab berdasarkan teks surat. Teks surat tersebut berisi ucapan selamat (congratulations) atas prestasi yang telah dicapai oleh sang penerima surat. Dalam hal ini penerima surat adalah Santi, yang bekerja sebagai manager di bagian pemasaran.

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Last Update: Mon, 31 Oct 22