Do the following activity! Directions: pair up with a classmate.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari remaharanicahaya5 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Do the following activity! Directions: pair up with a classmate. Student A : Tell student B about your activities yesterday. Think of at least five things you did yesterday to tell student B about. Also think of two or three things you didn't do yesterday. Student B: Listen carefully to student A. Make sure that student A is using past tenses correctly. Ask student A questions about his/her activities if you wish. Take notes while student A is talking. *** When student A finishes talking, switch roles: student B tells student A about his/her activities yesterday. Use the notes from the conversation to write a composition about the other student's activities yesterday.SEMOGA DI BANTU​

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Last Update: Mon, 14 Aug 23