I am at my uncle's house now. My uncle, Deni,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aeera2309 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

I am at my uncle's house now. My uncle, Deni, looks after pets. His pets are active. The cat is (1)... here and there. It's (2)... a ball. The white rabbits are (3)... across the carpet in the living room. The grey rabbit is just (4)... on the carpet. There is also an aquarium in the living room. Uncle Deni keeps some fish in it. The fish are (5)... their tails while uncle to speak. My uncle also is (6)... the aquarium. The parrot is (7)... some words. It's (8) on seeds. keeps some birds in a cage. They all are (9)... now. The hamsters are (10) lying running cleaning twittering trying hopping feeding saying playing moving​
I am at my uncle's house now. My uncle, Deni, looks after pets. His pets are active. The cat is (1)... here and there. It's (2)... a ball. The white rabbits are (3)... across the carpet in the living room. The grey rabbit is just (4)... on the carpet. There is also an aquarium in the living room. Uncle Deni keeps some fish in it. The fish are (5)... their tails while uncle to speak. My uncle also is (6)... the aquarium. The parrot is (7)... some words. It's (8) on seeds. keeps some birds in a cage. They all are (9)... now. The hamsters are (10) lying running cleaning twittering trying hopping feeding saying playing moving​

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Last Update: Sat, 29 Apr 23