Last wednesday, my father__________(36) us out for lunch at a

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rahman2651 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Last wednesday, my father__________(36) us out for lunch at a thai restaurant near the bermuda mall. after lunch, we__________(37) to kartika shopping center to find school uniforms. we asked the girl at the counter for some uniforms. we asked the girl at the counter for some uniforms. my brother went into the fitting room to try them on while my mother and i__________(38) outside to choose a uniform for me after my brother__________(39) of the fitting room, i went in. i tried the uniform on and found that it was rather tight. i came out of the fitting room and later tried on another uniform. it__________(40) me perfectly. my father then paid for the uniforms. we thanked the salesgirl and left the shop.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Last wednesday, my father took us out for lunch at a Thai restaurant near the bermuda mall. After lunch, we went to kartika shopping center to find school uniforms. We asked the girl at the counter for some uniforms. We asked the girl at the counter for some uniforms. My brother went into the fitting room to try them on while my mother and I waitedoutside to choose a uniform for me after my brotherwent out of the fitting room, I went in. I tried the uniform on and found that it was rather tight. I came out of the fitting room and later tried on another uniform. It fitted me perfectly. My father then paid for the uniforms. We thanked the salesgirl and left the shop.

took = take

went = go

waited = wait

went out = go out

fitted = fit

semoga membantuu !!

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Last Update: Tue, 14 Jun 22