tolong buatin procedure text tema membuat parcel Snack, pakai bahasa

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Tolong buatin procedure text tema membuat parcel Snack, pakai bahasa Inggris.pliss besok di Kumpulin

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



How to Make a Snack Parcel


• Assorted snack items (chips, crackers, nuts, etc.)

• Plastic or paper snack bags

• Tape

• Tissue paper

• A cardboard box or shipping envelope

• Decorative ribbon (optional)


1. Choose a variety of snack items that you would like to include in your snack parcel. You can select anything from chips, crackers, and nuts to chocolate bars, candy, and popcorn.

2. Separate the snacks into small portions and place them into plastic or paper snack bags. Make sure to seal the bags properly to keep the snacks fresh.

3. Arrange the snack bags in the cardboard box or shipping envelope. Use tape to secure them in place so that they don't move around during transit.

4. Add some tissue paper on top of the snacks to create a layer of cushioning. This will help to protect the snacks during shipping.

5. Close the box or envelope and seal it with tape. Make sure to label the parcel with the recipient's name and address.

6. If desired, add a decorative ribbon to the outside of the box or envelope for an extra special touch.

7. Your snack parcel is now ready to be shipped or delivered to the recipient! Make sure to handle it with care and keep it away from extreme temperatures or conditions.

That's it! With these simple steps, you can easily make a delicious snack parcel to share with friends and family.

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Last Update: Sat, 20 May 23