complete the sentences with the correct form of have/has (not)

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari apasiilu10 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Complete the sentences with the correct form of have/has (not) got​
complete the sentences with the correct form of have/has (not) got​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. My uncle has a house in the beach. I often go and see him.

2. Let's watch films on goflix. It has lots of new films.

3. Does your sister have a best friend?

4. Have you got a bike?

5. The poor animals have not got a new shelter

6. The twins have the same eye color.

7. I haven't got your phone number. Can you tell it to me. Please?

8. Camila hasn't got enough money to buy the Thicke. She will ask her mother to give her some.

9. The couple lives in the country. Their house has a beautiful garden


In sentence 1, "has" is used because it's talking about something that the uncle currently possesses.

In sentence 2, "has" is used because it's talking about something that goflix currently possesses.

In sentence 3, "Does" is used to make a question and "have" is used because it's talking about something that the sister currently possesses.

In sentence 4, "Have" is used to make a question and "got" is used as an informal way to say "have"

In sentence 5, "have not got" is used because it's talking about something that the animals don't currently possess.

In sentence 6, "have" is used because it's talking about something that the twins currently possess.

In sentence 7, "haven't got" is used because it's talking about something that the speaker doesn't currently possess.

In sentence 8, "hasn't got" is used because it's talking about something that Camila doesn't currently possess.

In sentence 9, "has" is used because it's talking about something that the house currently possesses.


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Last Update: Sun, 16 Apr 23