dialog 1sari : what do you usually do in the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sitiustafia75 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Dialog 1sari : what do you usually do in the afternoon?
Danu : i usually feed animals in my backyard.
sar : what animals are there?
Danu : there are catfish,turkeys,and chickens.
sari : how many turkeys are there?
Danu : there are three turkeys. one of them is a chick.
sari : so,is there a gobbler?
Danu : of course. we have one gobbler,one female Turkey,and one chick.
sari : i see. are there cows in your backyard?
Danu : no, there are not any cows in my backyard.

dialog 2
Danang : what do you usually do in the evening, Kana?
Kana : i usually read books in my study room.
Danang : what books do you read?
Kana : i usually read an encyclopedia when i am bored . the encyclopedia helps me boost my mood.
Danang : i believe there are many encyclopedia in your house.
Kana : indeed
Danang : what other books do you usually read?
Kana : i read mystery or science fiction novels.
Danang : ah, i have a science fiction novel and i like that novel very much. it"s your recommendation, remember?
Kana : ah,i'm glad you like it. what about you? what do you usually do in your free time?
Danang : i usually play chess or board games with my big brother. there are several board games in my house.
Kana : i don't know you have a brother.
Danang : oh,i'll show you his photo. there is a photo of him in my cell phone.
Kana : o.k.

pertanyaan nya

1. for dialog 1, what animals are there in danu's backyard?

2. how many gobblers are there?

3. for dialog 2,what kinds of books does Kana usually read?

4. what does Danang do during his free time?

5. what Will Danang do after the conversation?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Catfish, turkeys, and chickens.

2. One gobblers.

3. Encyclopedia.

4. Play chess or board games.

Nomor 5 ga aku jawab karena di dalam teks tidak ada yang menjelaskan apa yang akan Danang lakukan setelah percakapan.

Semoga membantu ^__^

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Last Update: Tue, 21 Feb 23