a Add-ing to the following verbs! 1 write ly open

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a Add-ing to the following verbs! 1 write ly open plan sail 3 4 5. 7. Individual Work prepare eat blow break 9. 10. do 11. show 12. snow Fill in the blanks with present continuous form! They.... Listen! I think the telephone... I see that you ... 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. You 10. They 11. Look! It 12. At present, my grandparents 13. The maid... 14. 15. Sharon... 16. My brother... 17. Two old ladies. 18. ... 19. Ronny 20. Mom is sick. She ... The boys... Mr. Rahardian... My parents The bus driver ... the pupils... 3. Today the children... 7 We they... Where is Anna? She ... I am tired. I 0. The population of the world. (wait) for us on the corner now. (ring). (wear) your new suit. (make) a lot of noise. Please tell them to be quiet. (not work) in his office now. c. Complete the sentences with the appropriate to be! 1. You... 2. He 3. My mother.... 4. My brother... 5. 1 you.... (go) to a concert tonight. (not drive) carefully. (decorate) the room at the moment? (not take) a shower right now. (have) sales in all the big stores now. (begin) to rain. (travel) in London. (clean) the room now. (watch) TV right now? (not swim) in the pool at the moment. (not come) home. (sit) under a tree. (laugh) at what I said? (look) for the book which he lost. (lie) in bed. working hard today. coming late again now. cooking in the kitchen. playing football this time. waiting for him for an hour. going to the beach. reading an interesting books at the moment. taking a bath. going to bed now. Goodnight! raising so fast.​
a Add-ing to the following verbs! 1 write ly open plan sail 3 4 5. 7. Individual Work prepare eat blow break 9. 10. do 11. show 12. snow Fill in the blanks with present continuous form! They.... Listen! I think the telephone... I see that you ... 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. You 10. They 11. Look! It 12. At present, my grandparents 13. The maid... 14. 15. Sharon... 16. My brother... 17. Two old ladies. 18. ... 19. Ronny 20. Mom is sick. She ... The boys... Mr. Rahardian... My parents The bus driver ... the pupils... 3. Today the children... 7 We they... Where is Anna? She ... I am tired. I 0. The population of the world. (wait) for us on the corner now. (ring). (wear) your new suit. (make) a lot of noise. Please tell them to be quiet. (not work) in his office now. c. Complete the sentences with the appropriate to be! 1. You... 2. He 3. My mother.... 4. My brother... 5. 1 you.... (go) to a concert tonight. (not drive) carefully. (decorate) the room at the moment? (not take) a shower right now. (have) sales in all the big stores now. (begin) to rain. (travel) in London. (clean) the room now. (watch) TV right now? (not swim) in the pool at the moment. (not come) home. (sit) under a tree. (laugh) at what I said? (look) for the book which he lost. (lie) in bed. working hard today. coming late again now. cooking in the kitchen. playing football this time. waiting for him for an hour. going to the beach. reading an interesting books at the moment. taking a bath. going to bed now. Goodnight! raising so fast.​

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banyak sekali kaka ehaha ehaaa he

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Last Update: Wed, 11 Jan 23