put the adjectives in the right order! 1. i'm wearing

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rodeca342 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Put the adjectives in the right order! 1. i'm wearing a (pink/cotton/soft)dress2.i really like your (leather/comfortable/flat)shoes

3.this is an (new/black/expensive)television

4.they have a (small/cute/brown)kitten

5.i like my (wooden/nice/red)table

6.i always take my (old/blue/lovely) bag

7.could you lend me your (silver/beautiful/new) necklace?

8.i love standing under this (big/wonderful/shady)tree

9.i bought a (old/dirty/black)car.

10.he has (blonde/curly/short) hair.

tolong bantu.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.Im wearing a Soft Cotton pink dress

2.i really like ur comfortable shoes

3.this is an exspensive television

4.they have a cute kitten

5.i like my wooden table

6.i always take my lovely bag

7.could u lend me ur beautiful necklace?

8.i love standing under this big tree

9.i bought a black car

10.he has short hair


semoga membantu maaf salah

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Last Update: Wed, 09 Nov 22