Setting up the Microwave A microwave can be a great

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari wl157150 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Setting up the MicrowaveA microwave can be a great device to warm up leftover and cook food quickly. The first thing you should do is to place the microwave on flat and dry surface. A wooden table would be good for the microwave. Do not put the microwave near a gas or electric range, such as your stove. Then, check that the roller ring and glass tray are secure in the microwave. Most microwaves will come with a plastic roller ring and round glass tray. The roller ring and the glass tray should fit inside the microwave. The glass tray should spin around on the roller ring easily and smoothly. After that, plug the cable into a grounded wall outlet. Make sure the outlet is rated for 20 Ampere. This will ensure it is safe to use to power the microwave.
Task 1 Read the text and answer the questions below it carefully!
1. What is the function of a microwave? 2. Where should we place a microwave? 3. What should we do after we place a microwave on a appropriate place?
4. What should we do before making sure the outlet is rated for 20 Ampere?
5. What is the social function of the text?

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Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. What is the function of a microwave?

Answer : The function of a microwave is to warm up leftover and cook food quickly.

2. Where should we place a microwave?

Answer : We should place a microwave on flat and dry surface such as a wooden table.

3. What should we do after we place a microwave on an appropriate place?

Answer : We should check that the roller ring and glass tray are secure in the microwave.

4. What should we do before making sure the outlet is rated for 20 Ampere?

Answer : We should plug the cable into a grounded wall outlet.

5. What is the social function of the text?

Answer : The social function of the text is to inform the readers how to operate a microwave.


Dari teks prosedur mengenai bagaimana cara menggunakan atau mengoprasikan sebuah microwave, dapat disimpulkan bahwa:

  • Fungsi microwave adalah untuk mennghangatkan sisa makanan dan memasak makanan dengan cepat.
  • Kita harus meletakkan microwave di permukaan yang datar dan kering seperti meja kayu.
  • Kita harus memeriksa apakah cincin rol dan baki kaca terpasang dengan aman di microwave.
  • Kita harus mencolokkan kabel ke stopkontak dinding.
  • Fungsi sosial dari teks ini adalah untuk menginformasikan kepada pembaca cara mengoperasikan microwave.

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Last Update: Mon, 12 Dec 22