read the text and find the meaning of the word

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Baru12345 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Read the text and find the meaning of the word below it carefully!Congratulations! Hi. My name is Tifani Ardiani Dewi. Last year was one of special moments for my sister, Rivanda, because she graduated from her university and got an academic score. I was really excited to know about the good news, so I congratulated her by saying "It was great to hear about your achievement. Congratulations!" She replied by saying "Thanks a lot, sister." My father and mother gave her a prize. They gave a unit of car to my sister then they "congratulated my sister by saying "Congratulations for your graduation and best score. My sister was really happy. There were many friends who congratulated her by saying "Congratulations!" I was really happy to know about it and I had I big hope that my sister would get the best for her future forever.


1. Moment :
2. Graduation :
3. Excited :
4. Achievement :
5. Hope :

tolong dijawab ya kk​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Arti (the meaning) dari kata-kata di bawah ini berdasarkan konteks bacaan di atas adalah:

1. Moment : a particular time or occasion.

2. Graduation : the ceremony when you receive your degree for completing your education or a course of study.

3. Excited : to make someone have strong feelings of happiness.  

4. Achievement : something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing.

5. Hope : something good that you want to happen in the future, or a confident feeling about what will happen in the future.


Kata-kata di atas berdasarkan konteks bacaan mempunyai arti:

1. Moment artinya kesempatan atau peristiwa.

2. Graduation artinya acara kelulusan.

3. Excited artinya bersemangat.

4. Achievement artinya pencapaian atau prestasi.

5. Hope artinya harapan.

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Last Update: Tue, 25 Oct 22