The body of a greeating card consists of expression,prayer/wish,special,quote,ritual,endearment,recelver and

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The body of a greeating card consists of expression,prayer/wish,special,quote,ritual,endearment,recelver and sender. Explain the them with examples.

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Expression: This is the main greeting that conveys the sentiment behind the card. Examples include "Happy Birthday!" or "Congratulations on your new job!"

Prayer/Wish: This section of the greeting card typically includes a prayer or well-wish for the recipient's future. Examples could include "May your special day be filled with joy and happiness" or "Wishing you many more years of success and fulfillment."

Special: This is a message that is specific to the card's recipient. It can be a personal note, a memory, or a special message of encouragement. Examples could include "Remember how much fun we had celebrating your birthday last year!" or "You are such an inspiration to us all!"

Quote: Often, greeting cards include a quote from someone famous or from a popular book or movie. Examples include "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love" or "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all."

Ritual: This is the expression of a tradition that the card's sender and recipient share. It could be

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Last Update: Thu, 16 Mar 23