es C. Read the following song lyrics. Identify the theme

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari susatra010809 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

es C. Read the following song lyrics. Identify the theme and the message of the song lyrics. spend my whole life following the night time Can't see the stop sign what you gonna say (Hey) Wandering quietly right into my dreams It's all that I see what you gonna say (Hey) Always feeling something bigger something real wild Keep on shining Make it brighter than a spotlight (Hey hey) Sometimes I stop and stare Follow my dreams right there Dream glow (Hey hey) Sometimes my dreams come true Sometimes they turn to blue Dream glow (Hey hey) ​
es C. Read the following song lyrics. Identify the theme and the message of the song lyrics. spend my whole life following the night time Can't see the stop sign what you gonna say (Hey) Wandering quietly right into my dreams It's all that I see what you gonna say (Hey) Always feeling something bigger something real wild Keep on shining Make it brighter than a spotlight (Hey hey) Sometimes I stop and stare Follow my dreams right there Dream glow (Hey hey) Sometimes my dreams come true Sometimes they turn to blue Dream glow (Hey hey) ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Theme: Dreams and aspirations, perseverance, and the pursuit of something greater.

Message: The song lyrics convey the idea of following one's dreams and not being deterred by obstacles or negativity. It encourages a sense of optimism and determination to make dreams come true. The lyrics suggest that dreams may not always come true, as indicated by the line "Sometimes they turn to blue," but it emphasizes the importance of continuing to pursue and believe in one's dreams. The repeated phrase "Dream glow" signifies the radiant and powerful nature of dreams. Overall, the message of the song is to keep striving, shining, and pursuing one's dreams despite challenges and setbacks.

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Last Update: Tue, 08 Aug 23