activity51. Dea ... (play) futsal with her friends.2. Dea and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari maisaasyira pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Activity51. Dea ... (play) futsal with her friends.
2. Dea and her friends ... (play) futsal on fridays evening.
3. Dea ... (not play) futsal in the outdoor futsal field.
4. Randy ... (trun off) the television before sleeping.
5. janeta ... (not trun off) the television before sleeping.
6. Randy and his brother ... (trun off) the television at 9 o'clock pm.
7. cindy never ... (not tell) her parents before leaving the house.
8. Brian always (tell) his parents before leaving the house.
9. Adam and brian ... their friend's parents leaving the house.
10. He often ... (clean) the garage every weekend.
11. she ... (not clean) the house every morning.
12. He seldom ... (clean) the garage.
tolong di bantu ya terimakasih​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Dea plays futsal with her friends.

Dea and her friends play futsal on Fridays evening.

Dea doesn't play futsal in the outdoor futsal field.

Randy turns off the television before sleeping.

Janeta doesn't turn off the television before sleeping.

Randy and his brother turn off the television at 9 o'clock pm.

Cindy never tells her parents before leaving the house.

Brian always tells his parents before leaving the house.

Adam and Brian tell their friend's parents before leaving the house.

He often cleans the garage every weekend.

She doesn't clean the house every morning.

He seldom cleans the garage.

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Last Update: Sat, 08 Apr 23