soal. 1. what does the text tell about? 2.How often

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari alinaproto37 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Soal.1. what does the text tell about?

2.How often does Mr joko clean the garden?

3.where does Mr joko put the falling leaves?

4.what does Mr joko do before planting a new tree?

5.what does the word"... he fertilises " refer to? ​
soal. 1. what does the text tell about? 2.How often does Mr joko clean the garden? 3.where does Mr joko put the falling leaves? 4.what does Mr joko do before planting a new tree? 5.what does the word

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. what does the text tell about? Mr Joko is a gardener at school

2. How often does Mr joko clean the garden? twice a day, morning and evening

3. where does Mr joko put the falling leaves? to the big dustbin

4. what does Mr joko do before planting a new tree? He waters and takes care of the plants in the garden well

5. what does the word"... he fertilises " refer to? the meaning of the word fertilize which means Mr. Joko Plant new trees to make the garden beautiful

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Last Update: Sun, 21 May 23