21.the singer dedicates the song for...a. his friendb. his loverc.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari putrijuwita2302 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

21.the singer dedicates the song for...a. his friend
b. his lover
c. his parents
d. no one

22.the singer thinks that their friendship is.....
a. boring
b. magical
c. common
d. not special

23.the writer always remember that......
a. his friend is the special person forhim
b. no one can defeat him
c. everything is equel
d. he wants to have a jourmey

24.look at the line below
"why not give itu a shot"?
what does itu mean?
a. the singer asks his friend to do hunting
b. the singer asks his friend to try something unique
c. the singer wants to shoot a penalty
d. the singer thinks they don't have a chance

25.why did the singer ask his friend to com back to the old garage?
a. because life is too short
b. because it's a sad moment
c. because they are poor
d. because they have no choice

tolong bantu dong plissssass​
21.the singer dedicates the song for...a. his friendb. his loverc. his parentsd. no one22.the singer thinks that their friendship is.....a. boringb. magicalc. commond. not special23.the writer always remember that......a. his friend is the special person forhimb. no one can defeat himc. everything is equel d. he wants to have a jourmey24.look at the line below

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


21. A. His friend

22. B. Magical

23. A. His friend is the special person for him

24. B. The singer asks his friend to try something unique

25. A. Because life is too short


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Last Update: Wed, 02 Aug 23