Now, let's talk about trunk, ar stem. The Grunk of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dommymau pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Now, let's talk about trunk, ar stem. The Grunk of a lice supports the corn and give the tree us shape and strength. The Franc consists of some layars. The layers carry water and mineralls up from the roots to the leaves and they carry sugar down from the leaves to the1. The trunk of the tree supports to?
2. what the trunk consists?
3. what the layers carry on?
4. where the layers carry Sugar down from?
5. Who's give a share of the tree?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Supports the corn and give the tree us shape and strength.

2. Some layers.

3. Water and minerals up from the roots to the leaves.

4. From the leaves to the (__).

5. (__).

info: (__) artinya belum diketahui, dikarenakan textnya kepotong

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Last Update: Sun, 15 Jan 23