correct the words between the brackets for numbers 6 to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari keyzalubiana pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Correct the words between the brackets for numbers 6 to 10!Jacky : "Today the weather is very hot."
Umar: "Yes. It's, ( ..... than yesterday."
Jacky : "You're right. Here is perhaps a little hotter than in your town."
Umar : "How is the winter in your hometown?"
Jacky : "It is (7.cold) ..... your town."
Umar : "How much (8.cold) ..... here?"
Jacky : "A lot (9.cold) ..... . It can reach minus 3 Fahrenheit."
Umar : "What about spring then?"
Jacky : "Spring is neither cold nor hot."
Umar : "It's (10.good) ..... than autumn"

tolong dong kaka kaka semua dijwb dengan benar. terimakasih ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Jacky : "Today the weather is very hot."

Umar : " Yes. It's (6.) hotter than yesterday."

Jacky: "You're right. Here is perhaps a little hotter than in your town

Umar: "How is the winter in your hometown?

Jacky:"It is (7.) colder than your town."

Umar : "How much (8.)  colder than here?"

Jacky : "A lot (9.) colder. It can reach minus 3 Fahrenheit."

Umar: "What about spring then?"

Jacky: "Spring is neither cold nor hot"

Umar : "It's (10.) better than autumn."​

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Last Update: Wed, 16 Aug 23