1. Based on the dialogue , what is ariel' s

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari safiatulmafiroh pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. Based on the dialogue , what is ariel' s ablity ?2. What does maya say to express appreciating simeone's job
3. What will ariel di after he finishes making the wooden bicyle ?
4. Yes , I will have a try after finishing it . What does it referto ?
5. Wow ! Unique ! What is the synonym the underlined word ?
6. Read the following dialogue !
Karin : les't wrap the gift for lina . Can we pleace it on your table ?
Tasya : please do , but don't make a mess .
Write the expression of giv8ng instruction adking for and giving permission . And giving prohibition​
1. Based on the dialogue , what is ariel' s ablity ? 2. What does maya say to express appreciating simeone's job 3. What will ariel di after he finishes making the wooden bicyle ? 4. Yes , I will have a try after finishing it . What does it referto ? 5. Wow ! Unique ! What is the synonym the underlined word ? 6. Read the following dialogue ! Karin : les't wrap the gift for lina . Can we pleace it on your table ? Tasya : please do , but don't make a mess . Write the expression of giv8ng instruction adking for and giving permission . And giving prohibition​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. make wooden bicycle

2. wow! unique! you are really creative

3. make it comfortable to ride on

4. ariel can ride the bicycle

5. special

6. giving instruction : please do

giving prohibition : but dont make a mess

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Last Update: Mon, 16 Jan 23