wirte a procedure text in no more than 100 words

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Wirte a procedure text in no more than 100 words about how to unbox something? ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. Locate the box and make sure the package is not damaged.
  2. Open the top flap of the box and take out any packaging materials such as Styrofoam or bubble wrap.
  3. Carefully remove the item from the box and set it aside.
  4. Inspect the item for any visible damage.
  5. Dispose of the packaging materials properly and keep the item for use.

 \large {\boxed {\blue {\star \:Answered \: By: \: \bold {sulkifli2018} \star} } }

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Last Update: Tue, 11 Apr 23