Hanung: What are there in the cage? Dessy : There

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Hanung: What are there in the cage? Dessy : There are two chameleonsHanung: Do they look a like the one in a princess movie that we have ever watched?
Dessy : Exactly! They can do mimicry based on the environment or their feelings.
Hanung: Oh, they can change their color. They must be cute.
Dessy: Yes, indeed. By the way, do you want to play with them?
Hanung:I'd love to.
Dessy : O.K., please wait in the take them out of the cage.
Hanung: Sure. Thank you.

6.Dessy says, "... based on the environment or their feelings."
The underlined word is similar in meaning to ...
A. cage
B. scenery
C. territory
D. surrounding​

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Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


D. Surrounding


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Last Update: Tue, 21 Feb 23