Observe the sentences. Underlined the wrong words, then correct them!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari amandashireen174 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Observe the sentences. Underlined the wrong words, then correct them! 1. My brother and I can carry the heavy table together. We am strong. are Tari looks nice in that dress. They is pretty. ShDino always reads a book every day. He is lazy. My neighbour's cat does not bite. It are nice. You can easily be friends with a stranger. You are cheerful. The teachers always help students who have trouble. They are arrogant. The tigress always protects its offspring. It are kind to its offspring. I never look sad in front of my friends. My friends think she am cheerful.​
Observe the sentences. Underlined the wrong words, then correct them! 1. My brother and I can carry the heavy table together. We am strong. are Tari looks nice in that dress. They is pretty. Sh Dino always reads a book every day. He is lazy. My neighbour's cat does not bite. It are nice. You can easily be friends with a stranger. You are cheerful. The teachers always help students who have trouble. They are arrogant. The tigress always protects its offspring. It are kind to its offspring. I never look sad in front of my friends. My friends think she am cheerful.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. am ❌ are ✅

2. They ❌ she ✅

3.Lazy ❌ clever ✅

4. Are ❌ is ✅

5. cheerful ❌ be brave ✅

6. arrogant ❌ trouble maker ✅

7. are ❌ is ✅

8.am ❌ is ✅

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Last Update: Sat, 22 Apr 23