Work with your friend to complete each other's pictures. Ask

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari asa11agustus1978 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Work with your friend to complete each other's pictures. Ask and give information about the objects in the rooms, and draw the objects that you don't see in your pictures. Number one has been done for you. Example: - Student A and Student B take turns to describe each other's pictures. Student A and Student B should not see each other's pictures. While listening, Student A/Student B draws the objects that are missing. Student A: This is a living room. There is a cabinet in the living room. There is a television on the cabinet. There is a flower vase next to the television. There are two armchairs. There is a picture on the wall above the television.tolong bantu saya mengerjakan tugas ini ​
Work with your friend to complete each other's pictures. Ask and give information about the objects in the rooms, and draw the objects that you don't see in your pictures. Number one has been done for you. Example: - Student A and Student B take turns to describe each other's pictures. Student A and Student B should not see each other's pictures. While listening, Student A/Student B draws the objects that are missing. Student A: This is a living room. There is a cabinet in the living room. There is a television on the cabinet. There is a flower vase next to the television. There are two armchairs. There is a picture on the wall above the television.tolong bantu saya mengerjakan tugas ini ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Bekerjalah dengan teman Anda untuk melengkapi foto satu sama lain. Tanyakan dan berikan informasi tentang benda-benda di dalam ruangan, dan gambarlah benda-benda yang tidak Anda lihat di gambar Anda. Nomor satu telah dilakukan untuk Anda. Contoh: - Siswa A dan Siswa B bergiliran mendeskripsikan gambar masing-masing. Siswa A dan Siswa B tidak boleh melihat foto satu sama lain. Sambil mendengarkan, Siswa A/Siswa B menggambar objek yang hilang. Siswa A: Ini adalah ruang tamu. Ada lemari di ruang tamu. Ada televisi di lemari. Ada vas bunga di sebelah televisi. Ada dua kursi. Ada gambar di dinding di atas televisi

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Last Update: Mon, 13 Feb 23