A. Put the letters into correct word! 1. U-E-T-R 2.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lukylemuel pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

A. Put the letters into correct word! 1. U-E-T-R 2. D-O-G-O 3. Y-I-D-T 4. N-A-L-O-E 5. L-A-M-S-L 6. D-M-I-R-P-E-S-S-E 7. Y-O-V-L-E-L 8. 9. R-T-T-E- E-B 10. U-A-O-P-L-P-R T-O-L-N-I-A-N-A B. Put the words into correct order! 1. People - two - annoying 2. Movie - the - scary 3. Places haunted - those 4. Wooden classic - chair 5. An - movie - chinese - old C. Find 5 related words of the word below!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


A. Put the letters into correct word!

  1. UETR → true
  2. DOGO → good
  3. YIDT → tidy
  4. NALOE → alone
  5. LAMSL → small
  6. DMIRPESSE → impressed
  7. YOVLEL → lovely
  8. RTTEEB → better
  9. UAOPLPR → ?
  10. TOLNIANAB → ?

B. Put the words into correct order

  1. two annoying people
  2. the scary movie
  3. those haunted places
  4. classic wooden chair
  5. an old Chinese movie

C. Find 5 related words of the word below!


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Last Update: Tue, 22 Aug 23