*The Girl

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari oliviahidayah174 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

*The Girl and the Dead Man*A poor woman's oldest daughter said she would go seek her fortune. The mother offered her a whole bannock with her curse or a little one with her blessing. She took the big one and when she ate it and birds begged for some, she refused to give. She found a place at a house, watching by night over the body of the housewife's brother, which was under spells, but she fell asleep the first night and the mistress hit her such a blow that she died. The second sister set out the same way and came to the same end. The youngest also set out, but asked for the little one with her blessing and shared it with the birds. She got the same place as her sisters, but stayed awake. In the night, the body propped itself up on its elbow and grinned; she threatened to beat it. It propped itself up twice more, and the third time, she hit it with a stick. The stick stuck to the body, and to her hand, and she had to follow it into the woods, where the nuts and sloes hit her as they went, but they got out of the woods and back to the house. They gave her a peck of gold and a peck of silver, and a cordial, which she used to bring her sisters back to life.

kak tolong buat kan jadi percakapan untuk 4 orang. plisssss kak cepet soal nya besok di presentasi kan ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Person 1: Have you heard of the story of "The Girl and the Dead Man"?

Person 2: No, I haven't. Can you tell me about it?

Person 1: Of course! It's about a poor woman with three daughters. The oldest daughter decided to go seek her fortune, and the mother offered her a big bannock with a curse or a small one with a blessing. She took the big one and refused to share it with the birds.

Person 3: What happened to her?

Person 1: Unfortunately, she ended up taking care of the body of a dead man at a house, but fell asleep and was hit by the mistress, causing her to die. The same fate happened to the second daughter.

Person 4: But what about the youngest daughter?

Person 1: The youngest daughter took the small bannock with her blessing and shared it with the birds. When she took care of the dead man, she stayed awake and threatened to beat the body when it propped itself up. Eventually, she followed the body into the woods and was given a peck of gold and silver, as well as a cordial, which she used to bring her sisters back to life.

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Last Update: Tue, 02 May 23