Questions:1.DO john and linda know each other? will john go

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Questions:1.DO john and linda know each other?
answer: will john go to the samsons and CO.?
3.what kind of line must john ride after arriving at andrew square?
4.what did john do so he can understand linda's explanatikn?
5.what must john do upon arriving at 83ʳᵈ streer?

Questions:1.DO john and linda know each other? will john go to the samsons and CO.?answer:3.what kind of line must john ride after arriving at andrew square?answer:4.what did john do so he can understand linda's explanatikn?answer:5.what must john do upon arriving at 83ʳᵈ streer?answer:TOLONG JAWAB DONG KAK:)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

2. By riding the subway.

3. Change to gray line.

4. He asked Linda to repeat the directions and wrote it down so he wouldn't forget.

5. To go straight, pass the bank, and continue going straight.

untuk no 1, apakah John dan Linda mengenal satu sama lain tidak dijelaskan pasti, jawabannya ada 2:

1. Yes, they knew each other

2. No, John is asking Linda's help for directions.

selebihnya terserah kamu ya

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Last Update: Sat, 04 Mar 23