21. School principal: I announce to all the studen square with

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari gvkhngr8t4 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

21. School principal: I announce to all the studensquare with the city mayor. The ceremony will start at 6.30. Be there on time and
It will be hot so wearing it will save you from the sunlight.
A. don't forget your tic
B. don't forget your uniform
A. Don't come late
B. Don't forget the dress code
22. Lenka : Hi, I just want to remind you to come to my piano concert tonight.
: OK.
Lenka 8
Oliver : Yes, suit and tie, right?
Lenka : Perfect. See you.
24. Via
: Dad, can I paint my own room?
: Yes, of course you can. But.
A. don't tell your mom
B. don't use pale color
23. Aimar :
you know what we can do to save our Earth?
We can save our Earth by so many ways.
Aimar : Yes. But, I know one simple way to do it.
A. Don't litter
B. Don't water the plants
don't forget your hat
don't forget your drink
Don't forget to bring the invitation
Don't forget to ask your mom to come, too
C. Don't use water
Don't plant trees
It's hard to clean.
don't spill the paint on the floor
don't be careful

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


tolong soalny di perbaiki itu msih ada error loh

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Last Update: Wed, 30 Nov 22