Change these active sentences into passive ones 1. We usually

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari radengareng54 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Change these active sentences into passive ones 1. We usually grow vegetables in our garden 2. I finish my housework at 5 afternoon 3. Sonia is not looking for a place to live 4. A man stole a blue car 5. Did Tom eat five humbergers? 6. Victoria did not ride a horse. 7. My grandmother ia telling ya good stories 8. The little boy usually sells candy bars 9. The students forgot the whole stories. 10. Are you making an important speech?tolng dong butuh skrg bgtt​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban & Penjelasannya

1. Vegetables are usually grown in our garden. (Passive Voice: Subject (Vegetables) + Auxiliary Verb (are) + Past Participle (grown) + Object (in our garden).)

2. My housework is finished at 5 in the afternoon. (Passive Voice: Subject (My housework) + Auxiliary Verb (is) + Past Participle (finished) + Object (at 5 in the afternoon).)

3. A place to live is not being looked for by Sonia. (Passive Voice: Subject (A place to live) + Auxiliary Verb (is) + Past Participle (being looked) + Object (for by Sonia).)

4. A blue car was stolen by a man. (Passive Voice: Subject (A blue car) + Auxiliary Verb (was) + Past Participle (stolen) + Object (by a man).)

5. Were five hamburgers eaten by Tom? (Passive Voice: Subject (Five hamburgers) + Auxiliary Verb (were) + Past Participle (eaten) + Object (by Tom).)

6. A horse was not ridden by Victoria. (Passive Voice: Subject (A horse) + Auxiliary Verb (was) + Past Participle (ridden) + Object (by Victoria).)

7. Good stories are being told by my grandmother. (Passive Voice: Subject (Good stories) + Auxiliary Verb (are) + Past Participle (being told) + Object (by my grandmother).)

8. Candy bars are usually sold by the little boy. (Passive Voice: Subject (Candy bars) + Auxiliary Verb (are) + Past Participle (sold) + Object (by the little boy).)

9. The whole stories were forgotten by the students. (Passive Voice: Subject (The whole stories) + Auxiliary Verb (were) + Past Participle (forgotten) + Object (by the students).)

10. Is an important speech being made by you? (Passive Voice: Subject (An important speech) + Auxiliary Verb (is) + Past Participle (being made) + Object (by you).)


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Last Update: Thu, 27 Apr 23