QUESTIONS: WAS-WERE ✓ Complete and answer the questions 1..........she

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari felkaorentino pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

QUESTIONS: WAS-WERE ✓ Complete and answer the questions1..........she sad yesterday ?Yes,....
2......they at home last Monday? No, .... in 1st grade last year? No,...
4.........your brother ill? Yes,.....
5. ......Jack and Sam sleeping at midnight? Yes, ....
6......the movie funny? No,.....
7............ they at school a week ago? Yes,.....
✓ Put the words in the correct order to make question
1. in / Was/class/she/ yesterday/?
2.they/ at / last / the / Were supermarket / week/? / Where /a/ week / were/ago/?
4.was / your / When / birthday/?
✓ Answer the questions
1.What was the weather like yesterday?
2.What was your favourite toy when you were a kid?
3.Who was your English teacher last year?
4.When were you born?

5.Where were you last Sunday?
6. How was your mother feeling yesterday?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.










1.was she in class yesterday?

2.were they at the supermarket last week?

3.were where you a week ago?

4.was when your birthday?


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Last Update: Mon, 10 Jul 23