Fill ini the blanks with the correct words! 1.The man

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dellareginaputri30 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Fill ini the blanks with the correct words!1.The man who operates locomotive is called......
2. The ........ Helps the women to sliver
3. The frog moves by .......... From branch to branch.
4. Mother uses a ...... To fold the omelette.
5. Wear a ....... If you want to go outside.
6. A ......... Always makes some furniture from wood
7. The ...... Always cooks delicious food in the restaurant
8. The ...... Slithers around the busher
9. You use your pen to ..........
10. Beside frying pan, you will need a ............. To fry something.


-leaping -stove
-carpenter -chef
-jacket -spatula
-slithers -write
-engineer -midwife

Fill ini the blanks with the correct words! 1.The man who operates locomotive is called......2. The ........ Helps the women to sliver3. The frog moves by .......... From branch to branch. 4. Mother uses a ...... To fold the omelette. 5. Wear a ....... If you want to go outside. 6. A ......... Always makes some furniture from wood7. The ...... Always cooks delicious food in the restaurant 8. The ...... Slithers around the busher 9. You use your pen to .......... 10. Beside frying pan, you will need a ............. To fry something. tabel-leaping -stove-carpenter -chef-jacket -spatula-slithers -write-engineer -midwife#bantujawabdong#janganngasakjawab#jawabanharusbenar​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.Enginer 2.Midwife 3.jumping 4.spatula 5.Jacket 6.Carpenter 7.chef 8.slither

9.write 10.stove


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Last Update: Mon, 12 Jun 23